Psychics in the Nevada Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle is a familiar phenomenon for most people.  It has been depicted in movies and told countless times over campfires with ghost stories and folk lore as seen by other psychic Charlotte NC.  However, there is another region that is lesser known but stirs up just as much mystery.  This area is located within the desert and mountains of Nevada and California.

The exact location of the Nevada Triangle places Reno, Nevada to the north, Fresno, California to the west and bustling Las Vegas to the east.  The government used this landmass to conduct military experiments in the past.  It is also known as Area 51, which is well known to conspiracy theorists who believe the government conducted experiments on aliens.

The rugged landscape of the Sierra mountain range is not home to very many residents.  However, there has been an unusual amount of plane crashes and straight up disappearances of aircraft in the area.  In fact over the past 70 years there have been more than 2,100 occurrences of plane crashes over the Nevada Triangle.

The disappearance that has gotten the most publicity over the years is one by the name of Steve Fossett.  Steve was a famous American businessman and made the rare billionaires club.  He was a very experienced pilot who had thousands of hours of flight experience.  In fact, he was the first individual to circle the globe in a hot air balloon.  He also took his personal aircraft around the world more than 5 times.

On September 3, 2007 Mr. Fossett was traveling over the Nevada Triangle from Nevada to California when his plane suddenly went off the radar.  Huge search teams were sent out to find him but even with all the equipment and people searching he was not found.  That is until more than a year later when a hiker came across bone fragments that are linked back to Steve.

Scientists claim the reason for the enormous amounts of plane crashes in the area is due to volatile wind conditions that come off the mountains.  The area is so desolated that any hope of rescue after a plane crash is negligible.   With the highly confidential military trainings and famous extraterrestrial sightings in the Area 51 region we will more than likely have conspiracy theories coming for many years to come.